In another story touching on the art of jamming, or purposeful interference, RF microwave manufacturer Comtech Telecommunications Corporation has announced that its Melville, NY-based subsidiary, Comtech PST Corporation, has received a $1.4 million order from a domestic prime contractor to supply broadband, solid-state, high power radio signal jamming. These amplifiers, which include the latest solid-state transistor technology, are key components in the customer’s jammers. While the customer was not named, industry analysts have pointed out that while it may be illegal for mere civilians to jam radio signals, the U.S. military is encouraged to jam enemy transmissions in battle zones.In fact, Fred Kornberg, President and CEO of ComTech Telecommunications, noted, “This order is yet another example of our RF microwave amplifier segment’s continuing success and recognition as a premier supplier of broadband, solid-state, high power amplifiers to the electronic warfare marketplace.”Read the official announcement on the Comtech Communications’ website.
RF Microwave Manufacturer Awarded $1.4 Million Order for High Power Amplifiers for Jamming