C63® Workshops on C63.4 and C63.5/Time Domain will be held July 23-24 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., just prior to the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on EMC.EMC Society Members who register by June 15 can save with the early registration fee.TOPICS INCLUDE:· The 2009 edition of ANSI C63.4 (emission measurements)· ANSI C63.5 (antenna calibration) – including the proposed changes for the next edition· A new test site validation technique using time domain concepts that will be compared to the validation technique stated in CISPR 16- 1-4 (site VSWR) SPEAKERS INCLUDE:· Don Heirman, Don HEIRMAN Consultants· Bob Hofmann, Hofmann EMC Engineering· Mike Windler, UL· Zhong Chen, ETS-LindgrenFor more information, contact Don Heirman, Workshop Director, atd.heirman@ieee.orghttp://WWW.C63.ORG
C63® Workshops at IEEE EMC Symposium