A breakthrough in the design of signal amplifiers for mobile phone masts could cut the load on power stations by 200MW and reduce CO2 emissions by 500,000 tons per year.
Researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of Cardiff say the new amplifier, which was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), works at 50 percent efficiency compared with the 30 percent now typically achieved. The redesign incorporates new computing algorithms developed by the research team, as well as a number of hardware adjustments.
Currently, a 40W transmitter in a phone mast’s base station requires more than 130W of power to amplify and send signals. The new amplifier design, however, enables the transmitter to complete the same actions using just 80W of power, the researchers say. Fitting the new amplifier to 10,000 base stations could result in a power savings comparable to half the output of a mid-size, 400MW power station.
“This new amplifier design represents a step change in energy efficiency that could make a really valuable contribution to meeting the UK’s carbon reduction targets,” Kevin Morris, Ph.D., project leader and Reader in Radio Frequency Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Bristol, said.
As part of the research effort, the team also simplified the amplifier design process, which could enable easier widespread adoption of the project’s findings.
“Traditionally, designing signal amplifiers for base stations has been a long, complex process involving a trial-and-error approach and producing one-off solutions,” Morris said. “This has fueled a reluctance to develop new amplifier designs. To get over that barrier, we’ve made it a priority to ensure our design is easily replicable.”