Rohde & Schwarz, one of the leading suppliers of RF test and measurement equipment, has developed its first ever family of broadband amplifiers. The company says that it leveraged its experience as a broadcast transmitter manufacturer to design the new product line. As a result, R&S claims its new BBA100 to be the most flexible and advanced broadband amplifier system now on the market. The press release this week states, ”Its modular design allows users to select frequency range and output power to suit their requirements. The built-in expansion capability protects capital investment. Individual amplifier modules can be replaced quickly and easily, making downtime a thing of the past. The R&S BBA100 is ideal for EMC applications in test houses and the electronics and automotive industry. The high quality and reliability of the amplifiers will also benefit research institutes, development labs and government agencies, as well as radio communications applications.”For more information visit Rohde & Schwarz’s website.
Rohde & Schwarz makes debut on the broadband amplifier market (copy 1)