ETSI TR 102 704 V1.1.1 describes the spectrum requirements, technical characteristics and application scenarios for mobile and infrastructure radio location applications in the frequency range of 76 GHz to 77 GHz.The standard provides a proposal for the introduction of the planned applications for surveillance radar for operating in the 76 GHz to 77 GHz band and defines characteristics and operation modes for fixed or quasi fixed installation, industrial, airborne/space and for ground vehicular applications in order not to impair the operation of the existing automotive vehicle SRRs operating in the same frequency range as well as for applications in adjacent bands.ETSI TR 102 704 V1.1.1 excludes radar sensor for level and tank level probing. It also analyses the current ECC decision ECC(02)01 [i.2] and proposes to revise the ECC decision for sharing the new intended surveillance radar application with the EN 301 091 [i.1] type equipment in same frequency band.The present document includes in particular market information, technical information and regulatory issues.Read the standard from ETSI.
Radar Sensors in 76 GHz to 77 GHz Frequency Range