Our colleagues at American TCB, whose Mike Violette has shared his travel experiences with eNews readers in several previous editions, have forwarded word of successful sessions held in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Organized by American TCB, Washington Labs, Ltd. and Rheintech Laboratories, this conference brought together a multi-national group to address the energy issues facing Vietnam and its rapidly developing economy. In addition to U.S. participants, attendees included representatives of Vietnam’s manufacturing and construction industries, as well as those drawn from the standards and test authorities sectors. Another significant presence was drawn from those representing environmental interests.The conference focused on several key areas of interest: Vietnamese and U.S. energy profiles, energy efficiency standards for equipment and labeling, photovoltaic standards, and construction methods for energy efficiency. Planning is already underway for 2009 conference activities, which will include further dialog on environmental concerns.For further information, and some great pictures, go to the ATCB website.
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Interference Technology
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