Raytheon now markets a more portable version of its non-lethal “pain ray” weapons. The “Silent Guardian,” a part of Raytheon’s Active Denial System, uses high-frequency radio beams that make human targets feel like they are on fire. The futuristic weapon produces high-frequency millimeter waves directed toward the target by an antenna that looks like a radar dish. It directs a focused, invisible beam of energy toward the designated target. The device has a range of about 800 feet and targets one individual at a time. Traveling at the speed of light, the energy strikes the subject and penetrates the skin to a depth of about 1/64th of an inch, or the equivalent of three sheets of paper. It produces a heat sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the targeted individual to instinctively retreat. For the full story,click here.
Portable ‘Pain Ray’ Guns No Longer Science Fiction