New Jersey-based Parvus Corporation has won a $700,000 contract from defense giant Lockheed Martin for developing, testing, and supplying a pre-production, ruggedized version of the Cisco Aironet wireless access point for Zumwalt, the U.S. Navy’s lead ship of next generation destroyers. Parvus will repackage COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf) Cisco Aironet technology to meet the harsh shipboard EMI/EMC environment to provide a secure WiFi network for the ships’ crew members. Parvus will qualify the equipment to MIL-STD-81F, MIL-STD-461E, and other military standards, as specified by the Navy, to ensure reliability under adverse conditions. Find the original announcement on the Parvus website.Post or answer questions on the labyrinth of military EMC standards and specs . Log on to the Interference Technology Military Forum.
Parvus Wins Contract to Ruggedize Wireless Access Points for USN Destroyers