A new version of the RM022020 from CAP Wireless achieves enhanced performance with excellent pulse fidelity and improved spurious response (typically -85 dBc). This new version of the RM022020, originally introduced in the fall of 2007, is part of a series of high-power instrumentation amplifiers based the CAP’s proprietary Spatium™ broadband spatial combining technology. Developed especially for test environments that demand extreme bandwidth without switching or re-connecting amplifiers, this solid-state amplifier provides 20 W nominal saturated output power over an instantaneous band of two to 20 GHz. It offers superior inter-modulation distortion (IMD) performance, linearity, and gain flatness—without the warm-up, drift, or aging issues associated with traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs). Look for more about this generator at the CAP Wireless website.
New Version of Power Amplifier Offers Pulse Fidelity and Improved Spurious Response