The U.K. Ministry of Defence recently issued DEF STAN 05-74 Issue 3 “Guide to the Practical Safety Aspects of the Use of Radio Frequency Energy.” This defence standard provides guidance on the practical safety aspects of the use of RF energy. Guidance has been included within the Standard for those directly engaged in the design, manufacture, siting, operating, and testing of equipment and for those managers, who though not directly involved, require knowledge of the procedures and disciplines recommended. It must be emphasized that the intention is that appropriately trained personnel undertake all procedures detailed in this document. It should be noted that no attempt has been made within this standard to set numerical limits for exposure levels. The responsibility for the setting of such limits rests with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) based upon scientific advice from the Health Protection Agency Radiation Protection Division. Content includes the nature of RF energy, emission standards, antenna systems, instrumentation and measurement methods, and safety management and training.View the entire 58-page standard on the MoD website.
MoD Issues Standard on the Safe Use of RF Energy