PREMIER™ PEI-140 from Chomerics is a lightweight, electrically-conductive plastic for EMI shielding of high temperature electronics. This plastic maintains high temperature tolerance, chemical resistance, and UL 94V-0 flammability rating for a cost effective electronics solution up to 85 dB in aerospace applications. PEI-140 complies with avionics smoke density requirements in the event of an onboard fire. PolyEtherImide (PEI) was chosen for the base resin of avionics grade PREMIER because of its significant thermal resistance, high-strength mechanical properties, flame resistance, and low smoke generation. It is an amorphous thermo plastic reinforced with a matrix of proprietary conductive fibers to provide EMI shielding. PEI-140 has been formulated to provide stable electrical, mechanical, and physical performance for EMI shielding in continuous use in temperatures up to 340 degrees F. It is also appropriate for applications in other industries that require properties of light weight, strength, flame resistance, and EMI shielding. Learn more about this product at the Chomerics’website.
Lightweight Shielding Plastic Targets Aerospace Applications