The Model FPI-HS/HE from FISO Technologies has been crafted to measure small current with more resolution and speed to meet the demands of HERO and EED testing used in military and aerospace weapon systems. This device completes FISO’s line of devices targeting HERO/EED testing applications, is compatible with its FOT-HERO sensor, utilizes proprietary White-Light Interferometry technology, and helps achieve a system acquisition rate of 15 kHz. Also, the built-in temperature compensation system of the FPI-HS/HE maintains accuracy even when the test environment temperature varies. Recent advances in signal processing, software algorithms and sensor manufacturing process allow direct measurement of the induced current. Look for additional product details at the FISO Technologies’ website.Post or answer questions on the labyrinth of military EMC standards and specs . Log on to the Interference Technology Military Forum.
Fiber Optic Signal Conditioner Targets HERO and EED Testing