Because time-to-market and budget factors often drive many of today’s high-tech designs, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues often surface at the last moment in the design cycle, potentially delaying product introductions. Very often, simple pre-compliance measurements and techniques can identify issues early when the cost of implementation is substantially lower and design improvements may be made with less impact on schedules. The Introduction to EMC Design, Troubleshooting and Pre-Compliance Testing seminar, to be held October 27-28, 2009, in Boston, Mass., covers the basics of EMC theory and design, plus simple bench-top troubleshooting and measurement methods. It includes a number of simple techniques and tools useful in characterizing designs at various stages of development and will better prepare products for EMC qualification.Get more information at the Washington Laboratories, Ltd. website.
EMC Design, Troubleshooting and Pre-Compliance Testing