Last week’s edition of the eNews contained two errors that were doubtless spotted by our alert readers. The last name of long time IEEE stalwart and Lord Kelvin Award recipient Don Heirman was misspelled. Also, the article on media jamming and civil unrest referred to the nation of Iran, not Iraq. We truly know better and apologize to our readership for the slips in proofreading. In the future, we’ll mind our dipthongs and geography.
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Interference Technology
Established in 1970, Interference Technology helps EMI/EMC engineers find solutions to their various testing, design, application and regulatory issues by publishing articles, news and other practical content. We help suppliers in these areas to find the right customers for their components, materials, test equipment and services through a wide range of marketing services, including lead generation, branding, market research and events. The publication is available in various printed and electronic media formats, with readers in over 60 countries. We also publish issues in local languages in China, Japan and Europe.