The new NUC2401MN from ON Semiconductor is an integrated common mode choke and ESD discharge protection IC for high-speed data applications. Integrating the equivalent of five discrete components into a DFN package measuring just 2.0 mm x 2.0 mm, the NUC2401MN combines common mode EMI filtering with ESD protection to ±12 kV in accordance to the IEC 6100-4-2 industry standard for contact discharge. Machine Model (MM) and Human Body Model (HBM) ESD ratings are 1.6 kV and 16 kV, respectively. The device is rated to MSL 1 and will operate at temperatures from -40 degrees C to +85 degrees C. This combination of features provides an efficient, cost effective solution to commonly encountered EMI problems as compared with the use of discrete devices. It also helps reduce parasitic inductance for improved common mode filtering. The cutoff frequency for common mode noise reduction is 40 MHz, and typical common mode impedance at 100 MHz and 500 MHz is 200 Ω and 500 Ω, respectively. Maximum clamp voltage is 10 V at a peak current of 5 A. Look for additional product information at the ON Semiconductor website.
Common Mode Choke Offers EMI Filtering and ESD Protection