The certification community has a unique perspective on the compliance of new wireless devices. As the number of FCC-certified devices grows to over 10,000 in the past year — and growing year-on-year — the number of intentional radiators marketed each year will approach 20,000 at some time in the near future. To ease access to markets and allow technologies (particularly mature technologies) to reach the markets faster, it is understandable that some review and possible modification to the existing Product Certification scheme is to be anticipated. The FCC Rules, processes, and interaction with the public are all currently under review and comments are requested for industry/stakeholders input.This initiative is detailed here. One possible outcome of the review of the FCC Rules is to allow certain classes of products that are based on mature technologies (and with nominally low power outputs) to be authorized under a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity, or SDoC. It is incumbent on the product Testing and Certification industry to lend its experience prior to, and during, this review of the FCC Rules. Armed with objective and statistically robust data, the Testing and Certification industry can lend its experience to this review.The American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL) is sponsoring a survey to determine the incoming compliance of RF products. With data based on participating labs’ experience, the objective is to give an unbiased view of the state of product compliance at the test lab.Join the ACIL Survey here.