1. Espresso Shots: MD – Asia Environmental Partnership (2.00 min.)
Susan Urban sets out the goals of the 2009 Maryland – Asia Environmental Partnership, a governmental/private sector collaboration that will gather experts on air and water to meet the environmental challenges faced by Asian nations, the fastest growing part of the global economy. Meanwhile, mid-Atlantic based technical firms will have the opportunity of sharing their expertise while accessing this burgeoning part of the world.
2. Discussing the Decibel (10.45 min.)
It’s been a long time since Alexander Graham Bell said, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you” or perhaps we only remember that from the old Don Ameche movie. In this brief, but informative video, Mike Violette, Steve Koster, and John Repella of Washington Labs show us just how far we have come. They delve into the decibel and explain why the dB is the lingua franca of EMC and RF engineering. Understanding this terminology is key to speaking EMC. The Washington Lab team discusses the dB and power conversion and then heads to the lab to demonstrate these concepts.