Langer EMV-Technik GmbH has released the new ESA1 measurement system. Designed for carrying out comparative measurements of disturbances emitted by modules directly at the developer’s workplace, the ESA1 drastically reduces development time by removing the need to reserve external EMC testing facilities.
The ESA1 measurement system is comprised of a shielded cabin (shielding tent) with filtered bushings to connect external measuring instruments or power supplies; a current transformer, an RF bypass and a variety of near-field probes.
According to the company, all measurements are carried out on a conductive GP23 ground plane in the Z23 shielding tent to reduce any influences of the measurement set-up, cable positions and RF fields from the environment. The HFW21 current transformer and/or near-field probes help pinpoint the sources of emissions in the device under test. The effect of EMC measures on the device under test can then be verified immediately using the ESA1 in connection with a spectrum analyzer and the ChipScan-ESA software.