Richardson RFPD, Inc. has just announced its new high power amplifier from Empower RF Systems, Inc., named the 20–1000 MHz. It is a lightweight and compact amplifier with small dimensions of 17.5 x 5.25 x 22 inches.
“The 2175/BBS2E4ARR is suitable for multi-octave bandwidth, high-power continuous wave, modulated, and pulsed applications. It utilizes high-power LDMOS devices that provide wide frequency response, high gain, high peak power capability, and low distortions. Exceptional performance, long-term reliability and high efficiency are achieved by employing advanced broadband RF matching networks and combining techniques, EMI/RFI filters, and all qualified components,” according to the company.
Features of this amplifier include a single 3RU drawer, forced air-cooling, built in control and monitoring system, output power of 500W, power gain compression of 1 dB, gain flatness of +/-3 dB, a supply voltage range of 180 – 260 VAC, and an operating frequency range of 20 – 1000 MHz.