The 2011 IEEE EMC Symposium steering committee is looking for volunteers to help-out at the August 14-19 Symposium in Long Beach, California.If you volunteered at past symposia, you know how rewarding the experience was and we hope you will consider helping out again this year. If you never volunteered at a symposium, please consider doing so this year, as the symposium committee needs your help. Playing a key role in making the symposium a success adds a new dimension to your symposium experience. Volunteer positions include:1) Helping with Registration2) Collecting tickets at the Awards Luncheon, Welcome Reception and at the Gala Events, directing people (human arrow)3) Sign Switcher4) Poster Paper host5) Exhibit Hall Demo monitors6) Technical Paper, Workshop and Tutorial Monitors7) Speaker Ready Room helper8) Tote Bag stuffer (only required on Sunday, August 14th)NOTE: Minimum 4 hours support periods are preferred. Morning shifts are from 8 AM to 12 PM; afternoon shifts are from 1 PM to 5 PM.If you plan on attending the Symposium and can help-out, please reply to the undersigned as soon as possible, with your preferred date, position and hours available.Learn more.
2011 Call for Volunteers