EMC Sector a dynamic, technology-rich market at the 2010 International Symposium on EMC July 26-30 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Presented in short, focused segments, EspressoEngineering will interview industry newsmakers at the show and profile the latest products and services on exhibit. The theme of the 2010 Symposium is “Systems Engineering” and EspressoEngineering will highlight the interconnectedness of EMC Systems Engineering, from conception and architecture, through modeling and simulation, design, integration, test and verification. The development of electronic systems, properly conceived and well-executed, brings EMC thinking into each stage of development.
The 2010 program is designed to cater to a broad mix of engineering learning and sharing, from the fundamentals to advanced numerical techniques for prediction and control. Elements of design and engineering are provided by the five days of papers, workshops, tutorials and demonstrations arranged throughout the busy week. EspressoEngineering will feature interviews from some of the more than 150 exhibitors who will be on-hand to demonstrate new products and services. A daily update will be streamed from the floor of the show.
Get more information on the show.