The VCCI has delivered the first annual report since VCCI was changed on April1, 2009 to a juridical corporate body “General Incorporated Foundations VCCI Council” from a “voluntary organization VCCI.” The number of VCCI members reached as large as 1,234 at the end of March 2010, according to the report.A pre-market pillar to secure the reliability of the VCCI mark is to strictly administer measurement facility registrations and product conformity declaration filings, says VCCI President Hidekazu Hasegawa. In this term of reporting both the registrations and filings decreased approximately 5% in number from the previous year due to sluggish economic situation. A post-market pillar to secure the reliability of the mark is to conduct market sampling tests and survey the validity of marking on the products distributed in the market.“A set of these schemes has now become a well established de facto standard in Japan to control radio disturbance from ITE,” Hasegawa says in the annual report. “It is our firm commitment that we will steadily contribute to the betterment of radio environment in Japan based on this de facto standard.”Read the VCCI Annual Report.
Updated VCCI Annual Report Available