Researchers at MIT have partnered with the Tangible Media Group and the Fluid Interface Group to develop THAW – a smartphone system that allows “Smartphone users to seamlessly interact with other computer devices via their screen.” This new technology could grow into an even bigger accomplishment when you sit and consider its future possibilities.
“THAW works by projecting a grid onto an underlying video screen, and then using it to orient itself. Imagery is brought into the smartphone via its camera, where software takes over, recognizing what is happening and then launching a companion application or software meant to manipulate objects on the underlying device,” researchers said.
“The system is meant to bridge the gap that exists between user devices—transferring files between phones and a desktop computer for example (by placing the phone on the larger screen and dragging icons to the phone) or continuing to play a video game started on a console on a mobile device. The same system allows for using a smartphone as a peripheral device, moving files on a computer screen for example, or manipulating images,” researchers said.