One of twenty projects planned for the initial phase of a newly proposed collaborative arrangement among European metrologists will be to study the reliability of measurements of RF absorption by the human body. This study will be just one of many projects to be carried out by a Joint European Research Programme proposed by the European Commission. Under Article 169 of the EC Treaty, the proposed programme would bring together 22 national metrology research programs across Europe. Article 169 initiatives allow the European Community to fund research undertaken jointly by a number of European countries. This collaboration will be funded to the tune of €400 million; half of this will come from the countries involved, and the other half will be allocated by the European Commission. Its work will be coordinated by the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET), which oversees cooperation between the national metrology institutes in Europe.Further details on this work can be found online.
New Metrology Programme Will Study RF Absorption by Human Body