Rigol Technologies has recently announced the new budget DSA700-series spectrum analyzers for hobbyists or companies on a budget that don’t require analysis above 1 GHz.
The model DSA705 tunes 100 kHz to 500 MHz and the model DSA710 from 100 kHz to 1 GHz. Both use all-digital IF technology and are the same form factor as the popular DSA800-series.
Primary specifications include all-digital IF technology, frequency range from 100 kHz up to 1 GHz, -130 dBm Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.), -80 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset phase noise, level measurement uncertainty <1.5 dB, 100 Hz minimum resolution bandwidth, and a 2FSK modulation signal measurement and analysis option (2FSK-DSA).