In an effort to encourage the enthusiasm and innovation of tomorrow’s engineers, the National Academy of Engineering is sponsoring an essay entitled, “EngineerGirl!—Imagine That! Engineering Innovation.” Prospective contestants are asked to examine carefully one of three images and then to answer some provocative questions. What is it? What might it be used for? What are the most important features of the design? What was the engineer’s role in making this product, and what engineering principles were used? Despite its somewhat “sexist” name—doubtless an attempt to spark female interest as women have been notoriously underrepresented in the engineering profession—the contest is open to both boys and girls. There are three divisions in which young people can compete: ages 8 to 11, ages 12 to 14, and ages 15 to 18. Contestants must write an essay dealing with the questions posed above. All entries must be posted to the EngineerGirl! Website by March 1, 2009. All winning entries will be published, and first-place winners will receive $500. Second-place winners will receive $250 while third-place winners will be awarded $100.For more information, or to get a peek at those curious images, visit the EngineerGirl! Website.
National Institute of Engineering Sponsors EngineerGirl! Contest