TDK Corporation unveils a new series of compact EPCOS MMKP capacitors. The capacitors are made of metallized polypropylene (PP) film technology (MKP), which utilizes a film that is metalized on both sides to increase pulse strength and self-healing capabilities.
The capacitors have high pulse strength, high current capability up to than 10 ARMS and compact dimensions of between 4 mm x 9 mm x 13 mm and 11 mm x 18.5 mm x 18 mm.
The B32641B* and B32642B* series of capacitors offer a capacitance range from 4.7 nF to 150 nF and a maximum operating temperature of +100 degrees Celsius. The capacitors were designed for voltages of 630 V DC or 100 V DC.
Main applications of the capacitors include “circuits that operate with high frequencies and currents, including resonant circuits of power supplies with an LLC topology. The MMKP capacitors are also suitable for use in switch-mode power supplies or ballasts for lighting systems,” according to the company.