(May 3, 2016) Disney Research has developed a low cost method to identify various electronic products by the radiated emissions signature each produces.
The technique was developed by Disney Research’s Chouchang Yang and Alanson P. Sample who presented the method May 3 at the IEEE International Conference on RFID 2016 in Orlando, Fla.
Disney Research reported how conventional RFID technology is relatively expensive for some applications, compared to printed bar codes. To overcome this price barrier, their work leverages the unique electromagnetic emissions generated by nearly all electronic and electromechanical devices as a means to individually identify them.
Using this technique, they found it was possible to classify objects by type (i.e. phone vs. TV vs. kitchen appliance, etc). By using a new classification and ranking algorithm, the method is even capable of identifying devices as divers as electronic toys, cellphones and laptops with an accuracy “between 72% and 100% depending on device type,” according to Disney Research.
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