The Spectrum Management and Telecommunications division of Industry Canada has issued “Technical Requirements for Cellular Telephones Operating in the Bands of 824 – 849 MHz and 869 – 894 MHz.” This document, referred to as Issue 7 of SRSP (Spectrum Radio System Plan) includes a number of changes intended to bring about better coverage and higher throughput for mobile data services in rural and remote areas. Changes include (1) an increase in the EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power) limits outside of urban areas, (2) an increase of the EIRP limits for mobile terminals, (3) an update of the coordination distance for base stations using the increased EIRP limits, and (4) additional updates and editorial corrections. This SRSP sets out the minimum technical requirements for the efficient use of the frequency band 38.6 GHz – 40 GHz for digital systems in the fixed service for broadband wireless applications including point-to-point and point-to-multipoint systems. This document replaces SRSP-338.6, Issue 2. Further revision of this SRSP will be made as required. View this SRSP on the Industry Canada website.
Industry Canada Issues Technical Changes for Radiotelephone Systems