IEC Guide 107 Ed. 3.0 (2009) describes procedures for the drafting of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) publications, which relate wholly or partly to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). They should be applied when preparing new EMC publications or EMC clauses, as well as when revising existing publications. The procedures should be followed to ensure that the resulting publications are consistent with each other and with current practice and to avoid overlapping document scopes. This Third Edition cancels and replaces the Second Edition published in 1998. This Guide has been revised to align with the Second Edition of Guide 108, which states “For safety and EMC standards, the principles of this Guide are addressed by the specific technical provisions of IEC Guides, 104 and 107, respectively.For more information, or to purchase this standard, go to the IEC website.
Guide to the Drafting of IEC EMC Publications