As he did earlier this year. Google co-founder Larry Paige visited Washington, DC to lobby for the cause of freeing up the so-called White Spaces that separate the signals of television broadcasters, who have vigorously opposed the introduction of new wireless devices into those portions of the spectrum on the grounds that signals will inevitably interfere with television broadcasts. As we prepared this edition of the eNews, Paige, representatives of the Wireless Innovation Alliance, and representatives from business and consumer groups appeared on Wednesday, September 24 at the at the Senator Dirksen Office Building at 11 am. This group discussed and demonstrated how unused portions of the broadcast television spectrum “hold the potential to spur innovation, to deploy affordable broadband, and to create new applications for all Americans.” The Wireless Innovation Alliance has posted a notice of the invent on its website. The interference potential of cell phones, Ipods, PDAs, and other wireless devices remains a contentious issue. Remember you can post a query, observation , or opinion 24/7 at Interference Technology’s NEBS/Telecom Forum.
Google Co-Founder Larry Paige Returns to Washington to Lobby Anew for White Space Devices