BioElectronics Corporation has announced that its HealFast™ line of pain-relieving and healing patches (based on a technique that uses an extra-low-frequency (ELF) pulsed electromagnetic technology) is now available for horses, as well as for dogs and cats. In fact, BioElectronics Corporation, which also produces pain patches for human use, will be displaying its HealFast™ products at upcoming horse shows. There are two types of patches available. One is a post-operative pain patch, designed to reduce pain and to help wounds heal. The other version, for soft tissue pain, allows the pet lover to turn the patch off and on, depending on when pain relief is needed. If speeding healing and relieving pain are issues for Spot, Old Dobbin, or Fluffy, just click below.READ MORE
EM Goes to the Dogs—and the Horses and Cats as Well