Researchers at Sweden’s Uppsala University have managed for the first time to measure magnetic properties in new materials with the help of electron microscopy. The secret behind the breakthrough is a successful elaboration of electron microscopy technology. First developed in 2006, a technique known as Electron Magnetic Circular Dichroism (EMCD) involves using an electron microscope to study the magnetic properties of materials. EMCE affords a cheaper and considerably more detailed study of a material’s magnetic properties of each layer down to one nanometer. Until the present study, it had been demonstrated that EMCD works qualitatively. Now the Uppsala University researchers have shown that the technique can be to measure magnetic forces quantitatively as well. According to Klaus Leifer, professor of experimental physics at the Department of Engineering Sciences, “This technology will also enhance our knowledge of the energy losses that occur in magnetic components in generators and transformers.”For more details, see the Uppsala University website.
Cutting Energy Loss in EM Materials