QuakeFinder and the SETI Institute will collaborate to accelerate research toward a practical solution for short-term forecasting of major earthquakes based on electromagnetic precursory signals. This work builds upon the laboratory experiments of Institute researcher Dr. Friedemann Freund and on the field work of QuakeFinder collecting earthquake data and correlating it with Freund’s results. QuakeFinder has been recording electromagnetic data associated with earthquakes since 2000. It has built an extensive network of instruments and a data processing infrastructure to record, filter and analyze the massive quantity of data collected daily. QuakeFinder’s work has revealed a pattern of ultra-low frequency electromagnetic signals starting two weeks before a major earthquake, and matching closely the effects discovered by Dr. Freund in the laboratory. This pattern has been shown to exist for two significant earthquakes (M5.4, M6.2), and for a cluster of somewhat smaller quakes (high M4) that occurred within 10 miles of QuakeFinder instruments. QuakeFinder and Freund also collaborated on a field experiment to show that the same signals are present when a 7-ton boulder is split.Learn more from QuakeFinder.
Companies Collaborate to Advance Earthquake Forecasting