The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has issued three new standards on electromagnetic compatibility-specifically IEC 61000-3-6 Ed. 2.0; IEC 61000-3-7 Ed. 2.0; and IEC 61000-3-13 Ed. 1.0. All deal with the assessment of emission limits. The first 6100-3-6 is a technical report, informative in nature that provides guidance on principles that can be used as the … [Read more...]
FCC Issues Requirements for TCB Post-Market Surveillance
The Federal Communications Commission's Office of Engineering and Technology has issued KDB Publication 610077 detailing the requirements of telecommunications bodies (TCBs) to conduct post market surveillance of products they have certified. The document details a typical procedure that fulfills the requirements and addresses several issues that may arise in implementing a … [Read more...]
New Bern, NC, Jan 23, 2009 -- A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was executed between the International Association for Radio, Telecommunications and Electromagnetics, Inc. (iNARTE) and the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board LLC (d.b.a. ACLASS). The MOA provides a framework for both organizations to cooperate in the development of training and professional certification … [Read more...]
Test Beyond the Specs: Why Test Higher in Frequency and Field Strength?
IEC 61000-4-3: 2006's frequency escalation Jason Smith and Pat Malloy AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation, Souderton, PA, USA An increasing number of new and proposed EMC standards are pushing the upper frequency test limits higher into the microwave spectrum. The latest EMC standard released, IEC 61000-4-3: 2006, is no exception. The upper frequency test limit has been increased … [Read more...]
New EMC Directive: 2004/1081 EC
Manufacturers should familiarize themselves with the additional requirements and the alterations found in the new EMC directive Manjula Bhati Electronics Regional Test Laboratory (West), Indian Ministry of Information Technology, Mumbai, India The current EMC directive 89/336/EEC, which was first published in 1989 and then succeeded by four amendments has been rewritten as … [Read more...]
Aussie Researcher Says Managing Crosstalk Will Speed DSL
Dr. John Papandriopoulos, an Australian researcher, has announced a technique to boost broadband speeds on ordinary DSL lines by up to ten times. The Ph.D. thesis Papandriopoulos wrote at the University of Melbourne outlines an algorithm that reduces crosstalk interference on copper phone lines. Dr. Papandriopoulos will soon join the staff of Silicon Valley-based ASSIA founded … [Read more...]
Lithium-Zinc Ferrite for the Suppression of Electromagnetic Noise
Studies show that Li-Zn ferrites can successfully suppress EMI. N.C. Joshi and S.S. Islam, Ph.D. Jamia Islamia University, Jamia Nagar, India Anjali Verma, Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India Recent technological development has been characterized by an unprecedented proliferation of digital technology in information and communications equipment. The … [Read more...]
2007 Update on Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) and High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP)
Of concern are high-level electromagnetic fields that will create serious problems for electronic systems on the Earth’s surface, including critical infrastructure. Dr. William A. Radasky, Ph.D., P.E. Metatech Corporation, Goleta, CA INTRODUCTION Over the past seven years, a substantial number of articles have been written by this author and others identifying the threat … [Read more...]
Achieving More Accurate Measurement of Conducted RF Emissions Using Modified AMNs
Measurement uncertainty for common-mode disturbances can be reduced from about 22 dB to a maximum of a few dB. Mart Coenen Philips Applied Technologies, Eindhoven, the Netherlands INTRODUCTION In early 1980, extensive discussions were held within the IEC CISPR/A working group regarding the definition of the impedance characteristics and the RF emission limits attained via … [Read more...]
Reverberation Chamber for EMC Testing
The reverberation chamber provides the most realistic simulation/equivalency for electronics functioning within a cavity. Er-Ping Li and Xing-Chang Wei Electromagnetic Labs, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore INTRODUCTION The problem is familiar, but growing. The widespread and ever-growing use of electronic devices with high-speed components increases the … [Read more...]