“About what we did dream today, are the ideas from tomorrow. The tomorrow ideas are the products from the days after tomorrow.” Our environment is changing and everything is becoming “electronified”. Our glasses, our hand gloves, shirts, shoes etc., can be connected already today with our smartphones and can send commands to the machinery surrounding us. We want this comfort, … [Read more...]
About the Author
Lorandt Fölkel

Lorandt Foelkel is the business development manager for energy harvesting and application engineer at Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH for EMI/EMC and switched mode power supply (SMPS) design. He has provided more than 400 seminars on EMC and power supply design to design engineers. He has over 29 years experience in electronic design, and has widespread experience for EMC and efficiency improvement for SMPS. He may be contacted at Lorandt.Foelkel@we-online.de.