by Joanna Hill Today is Arnold’s first day at Mega Automotive. He is fresh out of college with an electrical engineering degree and is eager to meet his new boss, Mr. Buttsworth. Mr. Buttsworth: Hello Arnold welcome to Mega Automotive. I’m sure you’re going to like it here. It’s a fast-paced environment with lots to learn and loads of good people to work … [Read more...]
About the Author
Joanna Hill

Joanna Hill holds a MSEE from Georgia Institute of Technology and a BSEE from Florida Institute of Technology. She turns the magic of EMC into the technology of EMC with consulting and classes globally. Her classes have demystified EMC in China, Mexico, Germany and the United States. She is a member of the IEEE, IEEE EMC Society, SWE, SAE EMI Task Force, ISO TC22/SC3/WG3 USTAG, and CISPR/D USTAG. And a member of the IEEE EMC Society board of directors. She has worked as an engineer for 39 years always with an interest in fields and waves. She may be contacted at and her LinkedIn page URL is