The Washington, DC-based American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL) is announcing the Customer Quality Service Award at its 80th annual meeting on October 2 to 5, 2017 in Portland,Oregon. The fourteen (14)laboratories receiving the nationwide 2017 ACIL Customer Quality Service Award are listed in this release.
Developed in 1996 to address the industry’s quality issues and recognize those laboratories with exemplary quality performance, the Program provides laboratory data users with a mechanism to evaluate testing laboratories. Participants commit to ensuring data integrity, meeting customers’ quality needs and setting performance standards for the testing laboratory industry. No other evaluation program ranks customer satisfaction with laboratory services and requires laboratory management to commit to a data integrity program.
As recipients of the ACIL Customer Quality Service Award, the following laboratories, presented alphabetically, have demonstrated commitment to quality and customer service:
To become a participant, testing laboratories must distribute satisfaction surveys to customers, commit to an ethics program and submit a signed code of ethics. Participants in 2017 demonstrated an average timeliness of 3.4 out of a possible 4.0 and an overall customer satisfaction score of 3.7 out of a possible 4.0.
Recipients of Special Recognition Awards for timeliness and overall customer satisfaction, based on client survey responses and presented in alphabetical order for the top fifth of the participants, are:
Overall Customer Satisfaction
Advance Testing Company, Inc., Campbell Hall, NY
D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc., Wheeling, IL
Gibraltar Laboratories, Inc., Fairfield, NJ
Advance Testing Company, Inc., Campbell Hall, NY
Microbac Laboratories, Inc., Marietta, OH
Washington Laboratories, Ltd, Gaithersburg, MD
For additional information, contact the Customer Quality Service Award Program Administrator at (302) 368-1211 or email [email protected].