The RSA7100A wideband signal analyzer offers real-time spectrum analysis up to 800 MHz bandwidth and streaming storage of up to 2 hours of seamless data at full bandwidth in one solution. This range covers the most commonly used communications and radar bands. The wide real time bandwidth enables analysis of wideband designs and monitoring of wideband/digital signals. The fast acquisition time can capture difficult to see transients in wideband signals taken during field or laboratory tests. The optional GPS helps correlate location and time with other measurements for collection of data at multiple sites. Software upgradable as measurement needs increase.
- 16 kHz to 14/26.5 GHz frequency range covers a broad range of analysis needs including modulation, pulse, WLAN and frequency/phase settling measurements with SignalVu-PC
- Streaming capture to internal RAID of up to 2 hours at full 800 MHz bandwidth enables environment recording and analysis of long event sequences
- Find and mark events of interest hiding within terabytes of stored data quickly with DataVu-PC
- Real time bandwidth 50/320/800 MHz
- Minimum pulse for 100% POI: 700 ns