Spes Developement Co. has recently introduced their new family of low-voltage battery simulators, the LVTGO-VBS.
The unit can perform a wide variety of tests, including tests to standards published by JLR, Ford, VW, BMW, GM, and Mercedes Benz.
The LVTGO-VBS generates a wide variety of waveforms, including stop/start voltages, voltage dropouts, fast transient burst noise (FTBN), and many others in a random, yet repeatable, pattern. The randomization capability allows exhaustive testing and the ability to zero in on areas of interest. This substantially increases test coverage and results in a much more robust system design prior to production.
Applications include ECU robustness and stability testing during engineering development as well as ECU failure mode testing, cranking waveform generation, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing, and weekend and overnight tests.