Triarchy Technologies announced a new line of miniature spectrum analyzers and vector signal generators at the recent IEEE IMS Symposium in San Francisco. Both are available in a new all-metal enclosure for improved shielding and now come with N-connectors and are powered via USB. All models come with free PC-based control software.
The spectrum analyzers range from the model TSA4G1 with frequency range from 1 MHz to 4.15 GHz to model TSA12G5, which covers 4.9 to 13.5 GHz. Spans cover 1 to 1000 MHz and they can tolerate power inputs up to +30 dBm.
The vector signal generators range from the model VSG2G1 with a frequency range of 1 MHz to 2.2 GHz, to the model VSG6G1, which covers 1 MHz to 6.2 GHz. All models can produce -50 to +10 dBm and will output CW, AM, FM, PM modulations, as well as all the usual digital and phase modulations.