Pasternack introduces new high performance waveguide detectors that cover frequency ranges from 26.5 to 110 GHz. The detectors are zero biased and perform the best in KA, Q, U, V, E and W frequency bands. Because the detectors are zero biased, no external DC bias or mechanical tuning is needed.
The detectors also offer a rugged steel construction, high thermal stability, guaranteed performance over 0 to +50 degrees Celsius, negative output voltage polarity and sensitivity level ranges from -600 mV/mW to -3000 mV/mW.
The waveguide detectors are ideal for use in a wide range of aerospace, defense and commercial wireless applications. Some further examples include power detection, power monitoring, high frequency communications, radar systems, SATCOM, telecom, data links, R&D, instrumentation and more.
The six unique models of detectors include input ports that “use popular waveguide sizes ranging from WR-28 to WR-10, while the video output ports utilize SMA female connectors. The detector circuits use high performance GaAs Schottky Barrier Beam lead diodes with extremely low junction capacitance. These designs perform with minimal sensitivity variation resulting in a flat frequency response across the entire waveguide band,” according to the company.