The ORTEC Products Group, a unit of AMETEK Inc., announced its new ‘SP’ series of P-type high-purity Germanium (HPGe) Detectors. The detectors provide advanced resolution at low medium energies for demanding applications, such as radiation detection.
“Profile “SP” Series HPGe detectors uniquely employ a low noise back-contact combined with a semi-planar crystal geometry. Compared with other semi-planar HPGe detectors, the proprietary back contact of the Profile “SP” improves energy resolution at lower energies, while supporting the same resolution at the higher energies,” the company noted.
“For customers measuring point or large area sources with energies between 3kev to 3Mev, Profile ‘SP’ detectors provide unprecedented resolution performance vital in complex multi-nuclide spectrums. Premium resolution improves isotope identification for more accurate measurement results and faster counting. SP detectors also feature a stable, thin-front contact, allowing warm storage, simplified detector handling and lower associated storage costs,” Gregor Geurkov, product manager at ORTEC, said.