A new power MOSFET, also known as the Si8457DB, has been released by Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. This 12 V Chipscale MICRO FOOT is intended to lengthen battery life and reduce power consumption in electronic devices.
Features of the Si8457DB include a low on-resistance at 1.8 V, extra safety features, space savings, less power usage, an extremely low voltage drop, less wasted heat, and low pulse peak currents. It can also be turned on without requiring a charge pump and can work with many different controllers. The MOSFET yields a seventeen percent increase in efficiency over previous devices and models.
“Designed to be used as a battery switch and load switch in power management applications, the Si8457DB features on-resistance of 19 mΩ at -4.5 V, 23.4 mΩ at -2.5 V, and 35 mΩ at -1.8 V,” according to the company.